

Friday, December 19, 2014

Political Affairs

Twitter- on political affairs

  1. Reaches millions of people very quickly
  2.  Helps raise awareness of things going on throughout the world that otherwise people wouldn’t be able to see
  3. Gives a perspective sometimes news channels do not cover
  4. Twitter has exploded with thoughts and opinions about the US recent idea to try and mend relations with Cuba has very mixed emotion on twitter

From Real Life To Social Media

When a grand jury found that Mike Brown’s death was not a murder the officer responsible may face a retaliation from people on twitter who are feeding information to the internet worlds. When I see pictures of what is going on in the other parts of the country I become very confused and upset to see that is where our society is heading. People see things on twitter and sometimes want to act on what they see on twitter and it lead to large scale riots and looting after this such event. Twitter can sometimes create a colt effect with people. Who just want to react.

Holidays with Twitter

The holidays are coming up and twitter seems to be flooding with advertisements and “deals and its changing the way people shop. It takes shopping online to a new level because companies can tweet out certain special promotions that are only available through the social media channel. It is unique and you can save a bundle on shopping for certain items

Twitter And Sport

Twitter is great for social and political  awareness and it was most prevalent recently when charges where not brought forward in the killing of Eric Gardner. People unified around the world because they felt there was an injustice for the father of six. I saw so many posts about die-ins around the world as a peaceful protest and hash tags “#justiceforericgardner”. Also NBA players wore shirts that read “ I can’t breathe” and pictures of the players wearing these shirts flooded twitter when the likes of LeBron James makes a social statement. I like that twitter allows for people to come together and express their thoughts. It was a venting place for some and an organization place for another to schedule protests and other events related to this event. 

Examples of Impact

Twitter was used during the Egyptian Revolution of 2011; it was used as a tool to disseminate information and coordinate participants in the uprising,[78] although Twitter was blocked by Egyptian mobile phone operators for a period of time.
I think this was missing an important info after the revolution, so i added "After the Egyptian Revolution, the most important people, ministries and the president started to have account on Twitter and share information with people".