

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Thoughts Of Communication

People are always taking selfies on their phones now-a-days, it has just become common place with the technology available. Selfies are a form of picture taking using the front end of a camera phone, and personally I don’t think that selfies are the best method of caputing a moment, I prefer normal photos. Twitter and blogging are different forms of communicating thoughts, twitter is more of a social media and blogging is more of an expressive voice and more opinionated  in general but this is not a rule of thumb. 

Other Views

Twitter a phenomenon that has captured the social media spotlight because many people enjoy using the tool and it helps relay information. Twitter has such a large affect on society because if it were not for twitter breaking the news of what was actually occurring in Egypt  than it would not have been wide spread knowledge. People would be oblivious had it not been for twitter, twitter has that affect on all of us. If something picks up speed from twitter, it can go viral and a lot of people can have access to it. 

Tools and Helps

Twitter has gained so much notoriety because of the hashtag and the global reception of the social media. People use twitter as a soap box to voice their opinions as well as give their two cents. Twitter has a large effect on society because a lot of people use it so it is easy for something to catch fire especially breaking news. For example a short while back there was an alleged shooting in garden state plaza, I found out on twitter because #gardenstateplaza was trending on twitter. It has that much power as a social media. 

From out the Box

Overseas Effect

Twitter is a very powerful tool that is rampant, if something breaks on twitter and gains fuel it can take off and people are drawn to the juicy info trending on twitter. 

In the above video it says that the influence in Egypt was very high and even the social media caused the Revolution  in 2011. which makes most of people get impacted by Twitter.

The Tweeting of Bird

Twitter is very common and it allows people to express themselves. This picture shoes birds, which is twitters icon, all flying in different directions. 

In the following picture the bird is taking a break on the tree branch and start to sing after the flying. 

It is an implication that everyone can say or “ fly” their own way, it means people can say what they please on their twitter but they have to be careful that it doesn’t come back to bite them which is illustrated by the barbed wire.

Points Of The Users

Twitter is becoming the most attractive social app and website to people at this time. everyone look at it from different angle. the following points explain twitter:
  • Twitter is a social media that millions of people use
  • It is unique because of the interaction with public figures and limited characters per tweet
  • Twitter trends relevant topics on the page using a hash tag
  • Intrigues a lot of celebrities, and uses a blue check to identify this is a verified account
  • Society has incorporated twitter into daily usage
  • Twitter has become one fo the prime 3 social media ( Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) 
  • It is common in every day conversation to  mention tweets
  • Twitter allows people to voice their opinion on a multitude of issues, including healthcare problems, race issues and even political opinions. 

its really good and smart idea to share and contact the world  within 140 letters, and videos. the world has become smaller, we can communicate to each other by many ways with easy way and fast too.

Politics and Twitter

Twitter served many purposes and has grown increasingly popular in poltical elections. Many people tweet and “retweet” opinions and ideas of what they look for in a leader and why they feel one candidate is better than another candidate. It is increasing popular during elections that twitter begins trending certain political figures and this may sway people to vote one way or another. Campaigning is no longer just flyers in the mail or television ads it is based on social media and twitter has taken a hand in it all. Society is taking in information about future elected officials through a new outlet and this can be swaying, for example if someone sees their friend tweeting or bolstering a candidiate for office they may simply vote for that candidiate because it came up on their timeline it can simply just be a name recognition on the ballet. 

Twitter and Wikipedia

Twitter is very common amongst students because it is a fast easy way to communicate with one another. There are even some schools that allow for graduate classroom discussion on twitter, it is one of the better uses of twitter.

People are even saying twitter is changing the way

Twitter has a lot more power and information travels incredibly fast once its on twitter. Once a tweet is sent out there is no reclaiming it or deleting it permanently, once a tweet it is out there it is out there. A short while ago a famous new channels twitter account was hacked and tweets where composed alleging the white house was exploded and this went viral and caught a lot of attention. Twitter can be a great tool but in the wrong hands it can cause mayhem because it is received by such a large audience and in a matter of seconds thousands of people may come across that information.


Impact of social network

Social media is something very unique and its value is only based on how well you use it. Meaning, social media is not all good or all bad. Social media can be used to communicate with classmates or keep in contact with old friends or even as a place to vent to the cyber worlds. The one problem with Twitter is these tweets are easily traceable. Bad days happen and sometimes people take to twitter to vent these bad days and if an employer or potential employer saw something negative it can deter someone from hiring you. I don’t think Twitter is bad, I think it is a useful social media, but it must be used properly.

Why Twitter

Twitter is unique because it only allows a limited number of charterers per tweet. Twitter has an impact on society because people are so caught up with the idea of tweeting their life “play by play” per se. People tweet pictures and sometimes comments or bits of information that are easily traceable and this is something that is can come back and haunt people if not used properly.

People and Twitter

Twitter is a social medium that allows people to post whatever is on their mind, with the exception that they do so with about forty characters to work with. This social media is comfortable to users because it allows users to keep up and even contact celebrities that they normally would not be able to contact without this social medium. People tend to publish a lot of their lives on social media and it has become common place in our society today. Many people tweet and use twitter.