

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Points Of The Users

Twitter is becoming the most attractive social app and website to people at this time. everyone look at it from different angle. the following points explain twitter:
  • Twitter is a social media that millions of people use
  • It is unique because of the interaction with public figures and limited characters per tweet
  • Twitter trends relevant topics on the page using a hash tag
  • Intrigues a lot of celebrities, and uses a blue check to identify this is a verified account
  • Society has incorporated twitter into daily usage
  • Twitter has become one fo the prime 3 social media ( Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) 
  • It is common in every day conversation to  mention tweets
  • Twitter allows people to voice their opinion on a multitude of issues, including healthcare problems, race issues and even political opinions. 

its really good and smart idea to share and contact the world  within 140 letters, and videos. the world has become smaller, we can communicate to each other by many ways with easy way and fast too.

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